IDML Creator
Framework for Adobe IDML files

The IDML Creator is a class framework that can be used to create IDML files for Adobe InDesign.

The framework is written in PHP and can be executed server-side.

When configuring an InDesign document, all the functions you need are available, such as document size, bleed information, area and text frames, paragraph formats and color information.

The IDML Creator documentation can be found at

You can get a trial version at

Screenshots from IDML Creator

The IDML Creator makes it possible to carry out personalized targeting in printed matter using conventional e-commerce systems

Printed matter still plays a major role in reaching people with your products. A catalog or brochure ends up in the mailbox instead of in the spam folder, people leaf through it and get inspired. That's why there is still an OTTO catalog, that's why Zalando also published a printed catalog one day — and there are even said to have been people asking about the entire Amazon catalog.

Regardless of whether a 500-page catalog or a small 16-page brochure is to be sent: To date, the options for personalized targeting are very limited. Personalization is usually limited to printing the recipient's name. In contrast to online advertisements, the articles displayed rarely correspond to the interest of the recipient. That's a shame, because anyone who has shopped (online) shows what they like and what interests they have. The benefits of this information should not only be exploited online!

With the IDML Creator, printed matter can be completely personalized.

This makes it possible to display exactly the items that correspond to the interests of each addressee of a brochure or catalog or that complement a previously made purchase. For example, if you bought a pair of trousers, you could see other trousers that are stylistically similar on some pages of the printed product. Or could get a recommendation for some matching belts as an addition. All of this information is already available in the e-commerce systems and just needs to be implemented in printed matter. With our software, not only can names, entire texts or images be exchanged (i.e. personalized), but it can also be decided for each individual version how many images are located where and on which page. It is even possible to issue printed matter with individual scope or format. It doesn't matter whether one thousand, ten or hundred thousand such printed products are to be created. The work of an agency or designer is then only necessary to define a basic layout.

The advantage is obvious, because such a targeted approach generates a significantly higher response to an advertising campaign.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities for your company.